The big day, your Wedding Day, is almost here. It’s the day when you will commit your life and heart to that very special person, and the day when all eyes are on you. You have your dress, shoes and accessories, but what about your Wedding hair and make-up? What do you need to look for when choosing the hairstylist and make-up artist for your wedding?

Experience- be sure that your stylist and make-up artist are experienced working with weddings. Ask to see a portfolio of their work, this will not only give you some great ideas, but confirm your level of comfort with their abilities.

Quality- on your wedding day the last thing you want to worry about is your hair falling limp and your make-up wearing off. Inquire about the type of products and techniques your stylists use to be sure that your look lasts long after the cutting of the cake.

Photos- not all colors, types of make-up, and hair styles photograph well. Make sure that your stylist and make-up artist know how the camera sees things. This will ensure that in your photos you will look just as amazing as you feel.

At N’Style Salon we believe Bridal Beauty is a specialized craft. Our bridal team has had the pleasure of being a part of weddings not only in Santa Clarita but across the United States. Our stylists use the industry’s leading products to create looks that are not only beautiful and long lasting, but customized to each Bride so on the very important day you not only look fabulous but you still look like you. It is our goal to create a look that reflects your personal style and is as unique as each bride.  We have a multitude of options that includes a‘la carte and package services, both in salon and on location to fit any Brides needs.  When you become an N’Style Bride you will not only have a flawless look but you will be worry free, because perfection is in the details and the details are at N’Style salon.

~ Contact ‘N Style as soon as you have a wedding date. This will ensure that you get your choice of salon as well as service providers.

~ Make reservations for the entire bridal party. You want to make sure they can accommodate your group. Check out packages for brides.

~ Don’t forget the groom and his attendants. Services are available for cuts and styles.

~ Schedule engagement photos after a make up consultation. Show off your new look!

Preferred Vendors.